Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of....

Amazing hair!!!

Happy 4th of July, everyone!!! :) Hope you have a day full of family, food, and pyrotechnics!

Now onto the post! Well, yesterday I went to my hair salon to get my bangs trimmed and reshaped. 

It did not go well.

My hairdresser cut my bangs way too short, and made them straight across rather than side swept. Now, if you know me AT ALL, it is over-obvious that I am obsessed with my hair and keeping it looking nice. Needless to say, I freaked once at home. But after spazzing out a good 30 minutes, I decided to look up any natural way to grow my hair out and treat is extra special. my poor hair *mumblemuble*....

So here is a list is a list of tips and tricks I've found to pamper your hair and maybe even hasten growth!

Olive oil: So according to, well, everyone, olive oil is super good for your hair! It can be used in a masks or just plain, which is how I am using it. I found this video on Youtube, which tells you a way to grow out your hair- up to 3 inches within a week! I'm trying it, so I'll let you know how it goes! :)

Hair Masks: Hair masks are a nice way to pamper ones hair. Throw on a face mask and make it a stay in night! The mask I'm going to try consists of: an avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, and I'm going to throw in a little peppermint oil! Adding eggs to masks if quite common to in order to add shine!

Hot/Cold Shower: While washing your hair with hot water is nice, before you step out of the shower, turn the knob to a cooler setting. It seals the cuticles of your hair, and helps protect it from any heat styling you might be doing.

Heat styling day off: This one is not fun for me. I straighten or curl my hair everyday. Yes, I use heat protector, but that doesn't take the place of letting your hair air dry and have a day off. But, if you are like me, and must do something with your hair, turn the heating tool down. :) 

These are just some of the tricks I'm trying. I also have been taking vitamins, yet again. haha If you have more tips or tricks, please leave a comment! :) Have a lovely day!!! 

-Lil Miss Latina


  1. Does it really look bad? In my end, I'm the one chopping off my bangs every now and then. Hihi. Some of the salon expert just doesn't follow what I ask them to do with my hair so I'm doing it myself. I hope your new bangs don't look bad at all, try re-styling it fashionably sweety! ;D Thanks for always dropping by my page, I really appreciate it. ;D

    Your new friend,

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement! :) They aren't what I wanted but I'm getting used to them. And they have grown some since they were cut, so all is getting better! ^_^

  2. Great post, I love your tips!
    Georgia x
