I have been a bad bad blogger! What excuse shall I use today? Vacation! :D (pics to come in the next post!)
Anyway, this past weekend was city-wide garage sales. I didn't plan on going because, well frankly, the town I live in isn't exactly the most fashionable of places... I live in a very country town you see. But Saturday I woke up and my first thought was, I wanna go garage saling! (is that even a word???) So I dragged my sister out of bed at 9 in the morning to accompany me. Such a good sister, right? ;)
Well I didn't find but a couple of things. I was actually surprised by how few garage sales there were. But I did pick up two jean pieces. This vest being one! If it's from the 90's, does that make it vintage? :)
I have been trying to find the perfect LWD all summer, and finally found it! Or two actually! And I didn't find them! My mom did!

Dress: Sears
Shoes: Chadwicks
Pearl Bracelets: Forever 21
Vest: Garage Sale :)